Nouns: singular and plural

Hi there! How are you? I hope you’re good 🙂

Today’s post is about nouns! If you remember, two weeks ago we learned about the parts of speech, one of them are the nouns. Do you remember what a noun is?

If you don’t, don’t worry, you can revisit that information here.

Nouns are present in every single aspect of our lives, we use them every day to refer to things, places, animals, people… I dare say we use at least a noun per sentence (The word “sentence” is a noun too 😀 it gives the name to an arrangement of words/parts of speech.)

We can categorize nouns in 2 categories:

1. Singular nouns, refer to the name we give to one thing, for example:

Car, pencil, stove, dog, umbrella, chair.

2. Plural nouns, refer to the name we give to two or more of a thing. But wait!! Not everything is so easy! 

Most nouns will change into plural by adding an “S” at the end, for example:

Cars, pencils, stoves, dogs, umbrellas, chairs.

And there are some rules that we have to follow to transform other singular nouns into plural nouns:

Also, there are plural nouns that are a bit more tricky and don’t follow any specific rule. In these cases, we just have to learn them as they come:

Did you know these nouns? Do you recognize any of the formation rules? Were you aware that there are irregular nouns? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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